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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


In case you were wondering whether to be worried about the Diebold electronic touch-screen voting systems. Farhad Manjoo and Bev Harris lay it all out for you in Salon.

As someone who has worked in Internet security, I will just say that having the central vote counting computers on the Internet is beyond the pale. There is absolutely not reason why those boxes can't be behind a firewall, and their results copied to websites for press reports. If it is true that any joker can walk in from the Internet and change the results and the audit logs then the reliability of all elections using those machines to date is precisely exactly zero.

Because how do you know some extremist activist hasn't been sitting in a bunker somewhere, having stumbled onto these vulnerabilities years ago, tweaking all the results to serve his master plan? Oh, right, I guess we'll just have to CHECK THE LOGS. Oops.

--Melissa O, at 10:04 * 


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