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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


A quick thought: There seems to be some talk about partitioning Iraq. An idea that maybe getting the several subgroups of the Iraqi population out of each other's way is a viable solution.

Okay, even if you could get players like Turkey to agree to this plan, and even if you had the assurance that most Iraqis really would put down the idea of Iraqi nationalism and take up this new plan--even if you could do that, there remains a not very small matter of just exactly where you draw the lines. And given that lines drawn in the sand could potentially result in huge transfers of oil wealth, these lines will be heavily contested, and outside players are going to be watching closely.

In other words, it's not a viable solution, at least for now. It hasn't been thought through. But then, what of this fiasco has?

--Melissa O, at 03:19 * 


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