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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


So Matthew Yglesias has a post on Communism where a commenter who goes by "godless capitalist" has linked to another post that comments on an article by Irving Kristol in the Weekly Standard. S/he's absolutely right about the creepiness of it all. The Kristol article sets off every alarm I've carefully constructed in myself to detect to totalitarianism or fascism. Power is good, people need strong government, natural superiority of our ideas, economic utopianism, militarism, appeal to patriotism, etc, etc. After a while, you're scared speechless. I had all these thoughts running around in my head, but I can't summon a one right now. We know what it looks like. We spent the last fifty years figuring out what it looks like.

People always make fun of "post-modernism" or whatever, but a major part of pomo's project has been figuring out what it looks like and exactly how such appealing ideas go so terribly wrong. I don't know. This next election is going to be a battle royale, and after that, who can say?

The ideas are dangerous, but the situation isn't quite. Maybe it will pass.

--Melissa O, at 00:59 * 


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