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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


Ever just feel like the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Yesterday I spent some time looking at Canadian immigration requirements. It was kind of hard for me to believe. I seem to meet the basic requirements, even without knowing any French, so I guess I'll start getting the paperwork ready. I also looked into Australia, which is a bit harder to immigrate to. I guess England or Ireland is next, but I seem to remember that the last time I looked into the EU it was pretty difficult to immigrate to.

I agree with some of the Kossians: something is fishy about this Berg thing. I don't know if those murderers are in fact speaking Russian, and it seems to me that the United States isn't the only place in the world with orange prison uniforms, but something is just not right.

In The Nation there was an article once about how the Bushies and the Wahabis are hell-bent on tumbling into the abyss, hands on each other's throats, like Holmes and Moriarty, but I don't feel like looking it up right now. It's called the "Apocalyptic Imagination" or something like that. That's how I feel about things right now. If only they could do so without taking the rest of us along for the ride...

--Melissa O, at 00:15 * 


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