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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


Note to self: using big words does not constitute marshalling important ideas.

Words like, "constitute" and "marshalling."

Levy takes AI to task for a further hypocrisy over at Volokh. The fact of hypocrisy doesn't change his or my very argument in the abstract very much.

People too often use human rights statistics as a cudgel to advance their own agendas and discredit others. I think AI just doesn't want to end up in the middle of these firefights. And you know, some attempt at objectivity is sort of necessary for collecting facts. You have to have an open mind.

I'm not particularly incensed on principle if someone has an open mind but their conclusions are neutral or opposed to mine, as long as they are open to facts. Then we can exchange facts and debate. We will surely be changed, perhaps converge, perhaps diverge, but we both gain.


--Melissa O, at 00:53 * 


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