On Bill Moyers's NOW I happened to catch philosopher Sissela Bok discussing the nature of happiness, apparently the subject of her next book. Her previous books' topics included the ethics of keeping secrets, lying, violence as entertainment, and "common values," all of which are subjects that interest me greatly. I may just have to go read all her books now. And if that works out, maybe camp out in her office until she takes me as a student.
It's always so refreshing to see someone on TV whose intelligence and personality cannot be contained by it. So many people, both on and off the small screen, seem to act as if they'd like nothing more than to be locked into its confines. But Bok, in both her discussion and her presence, really made me feel like there was more to life than mass media, and I wanted to find out what. That's easy enough to do through means other than mass media, but very tough to do from within it.
--Melissa O, at 05:39