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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


You know, the combination of the Patricia Williams article yesterday and the Sissela Bok book today has lead to begin reforming my view on the right to own property. It is obvious that you have to feel that you have some ownership of something. It also seems pretty clear to me that if something you feel you own is taken from you without your consent, you feel violated, even if restitution is offered. But the need to feel ownership of something and the violation of something's loss are not the same for all things.

My amorphous idea is that somehow the fact that the market doesn't seem to recognize these distinctions means that the simple fact of imposing the market upon certain types of property results in externalities.

That's a little confusing. I need to flesh it out more.

--Melissa O, at 02:07 * 


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