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Mean Time Between Failure: Melissa Officinalis waits for the other shoe to drop.


And then two months go by...
Via the Agonist, an article about the sexual assault of men in the military, and official reaction to it.

Even accounting for the fact that the military is disproportionately male, I have to say that I was surprised to learn that there are more reports of sexual assault by men in the military than by women. I'm sure underreporting is rampant for both sexes, but I'm pretty sure that the numbers aren't comparable in civilian life.

It's frustrating that "Men raped!" gets treated as a shock and horror when "Women raped!" is treated as the same old same-old, but that's mainstream journalistic discourse these days. But the article does seem to have something to add.

I'm sure that some will use this to support an argument that gays do not belong in the military, but as we all well know, men who rape men aren't usually gay. I wonder if we aren't seeing the result of a culture and training that brutalizes its recruits.

Then there's the unfortunate gender garbage. That's a familiar story. But what really worries me is the military's described willingness to bury things, to sweep it all under the rug. The people who are making these decisions have to be accountable to somebody, right? Who's deciding these policies? The idea that the military is running around without civilian input or guidance I find really terrifying.

--Melissa O, at 03:49 * 


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